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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ The threshold for childless couples under pensionable age was 57 percent above income support levels.
▪ To qualify for the higher limit, disablement must occur before reaching pensionable age.
▪ All people of pensionable age have a right, under the Supplementary Benefits Act 1966, to a guaranteed income.
▪ By the 1890s civil servants had become obliged to retire on reaching pensionable age.
▪ It applies only to those reaching pensionable age since April 1978 and will not reach full maturity until 1998.
▪ The number of those over pensionable age will be far higher in the next century than it is today.
▪ Raising the pensionable age, however, was not enough to meet the Treasury's requirements.
▪ In 1963 my father died at the age of sixty-one, four years short of his pensionable age.
▪ The scheme provides a pension on retirement linked to final pensionable pay near that time.
▪ For 40 years' membership, members receive a pension of two thirds pensionable pay near retirement.
▪ All people of pensionable age have a right, under the Supplementary Benefits Act 1966, to a guaranteed income.
▪ By the 1890s civil servants had become obliged to retire on reaching pensionable age.
▪ For 40 years' membership, members receive a pension of two thirds pensionable pay near retirement.
▪ It applies only to those reaching pensionable age since April 1978 and will not reach full maturity until 1998.
▪ Nursing in public hospitals was also pensionable, while the more prestigious voluntary hospitals were early pension providers.
▪ The maximum pension will now be 20 percent, rather than 25 percent of average pensionable earnings.
▪ This may reflect the fact that they are not in pensionable service with their employing organisation.
▪ To qualify for the higher limit, disablement must occur before reaching pensionable age.

a. That qualifies to receive a pension


adj. entitled to receive a pension; "a pensionable employee"

Usage examples of "pensionable".

Which usually meant, as was the way with those old jossers well above the pensionable age, talking about the dim and distant past when a pint of beer was a pint of beer and the sound of a horse-drawn cart approaching along the road outside was enough to send every self-respecting householder running for his dustpan and broom.