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n. (plural of patriot English)

Patriots (novel series)

The Patriots novel series is a five-novel series by best-selling survivalist novelist and former U.S. Army officer and blogger, James Wesley Rawles. It is followed by his Counter-Caliphate Chronicles novel series.

Patriots: A Novel of Survival in the Coming Collapse, the first book in the series, was first distributed as shareware in 1995 and first published in paperback in 1998. It was updated and re-published in paperback 2009, and then in hardback in 2012. In one week of April 2009, shortly after its release, it was ranked #6 in's overall book sales rankings, which was attributed by the Library Journal to the book's appeal to "a small but vociferous group of people concerned with survivalism".

Set in the near future midst hyperinflation and a catastrophic global economic collapse, Patriots tells the story of a group of survivalists that flee riots and chaos in metropolitan Chicago to a survivalist retreat that they have prepared near Bovill, Idaho.

Patriots (film)

Patriots is a 1937 German film directed by Karl Ritter.

Usage examples of "patriots".

John Locke, from whom Adams, Jefferson, and other American patriots drew inspiration, had published some of his earliest works while a political refugee in Amsterdam.

The only propaganda line open to the Nazis and Fascists was to represent themselves as Christian patriots saving Spain from a Russian dictatorship.

The loyalists of the South were to be used against the patriots of the North, as the loyalists of the latter region had been employed to put down the liberties of the former.

We live in a lunatic world in which opposites are constantly changing into one another, in which pacifists find themselves worshipping Hitler, Socialists become nationalists, patriots become quislings, Buddhists pray for the success of the Japanese army, and the Stock Market takes an upward turn when the Russians stage an offensive.

It came from the heart of a tried patriot, and was addressed to the hearts of patriots alone.

We are ardent patriots and desirous of fighting in our country, for the freedom and independence of our people.

I am pleased because I was able to free the patriots from the prison-ship.

Regulator counties seem to have participated as patriots in the Revolutionary War.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

They have mercilessly slain our patriots, they have drowned uprisings in rivers of blood.

Vonahrish Guard and followed by a straggling train of cavorting patriots, on their way to Equality Circle and the Kokotte.

Since the Gulf War, it has become clear that the success of the Patriots against the Scuds was apocryphal, as few, if any, al-Husseins were actually intercepted by Patriots.

That they might have thought otherwise, nay, would gradually have adopted the opinions of the patriots, is not improbable, had more time been allowed them, and had the course of the latter been more indulgent and considerate.

They dared not openly broach the idea of national independence, which, there is very little question that the noblest of the American patriots everywhere, though secretly, entertained from the beginning.

Though actively preparing for war, the professions of the patriots declared their measures to be precautionary only -- a refuge, an alternative, in the event of greater oppression.