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vb. (present participle of pancake English)

Usage examples of "pancaking".

Meanwhile, they could file for another rate increase and do it all over again, thus pancaking unapproved rates on top of one another.

Even if the utilities lost their appeals, which they usually did, the effect of the pancaking was to force ratepayers, including many poor people, to give them massive low-interest loans.

The vehicle came down heavily, pancaking on the street with an ear-numbing roar, and skidded roughly to a broken halt.

Plumes of black smoke drifted up from distant refineries, pancaking into clouds made luminous by the dying light of the sun, stretching shadow fingers toward the horizon of night.

The lower hull slammed upward, pancaking it against the upper hull, as huge sections of ship broke free and flew off into space.

Beggs clutched Ross by the shoulder, forcibly flung him aside, sent him pancaking against the wall.