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Palasamudram is a village in Chittoor district of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. It is the mandal headquarters of Palasamudram mandal.

About Palasamudram Mandal

Palasamudram is a Mandal in Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh State, India. Palasamudram Mandal Head Quarters is Palasamudram town . It belongs to Rayalaseema region . It is located 40 KM towards East from District head quarters Chittoor. 551 KM from State capital Hyderabad towards North . 111 KM from Chennai City.

Palasamudram Mandal is bounded by Srirangarajapuram Mandal towards North , R.K.Pet Mandal towards South , Pallipattu Mandal towards North , Sholinghur Mandal towards South . Sholingur City , Nagari City , Tiruttani City , Puttur City are the nearby Cities to Palasamudram.

Palasamudram consist of 88 Villages and 14 Panchayats . Mamidimanumoola is the smallest Village and Palasamudram is the biggest Village . It is in the 120 m elevation(altitude) . This Place is in the border of the Chittoor District and Thiruvallur District. Thiruvallur District is South towards this place . Also it is in the Border of other district Vellore . It is near to the Tamil Nadu State Border.

Thiruthani , Chittoor , Tirupati (Tirumala) , vellore , Kanchipuram are the near by Important tourist destinations to see. Demographics of Palasamudram Mandal

Telugu is the Local Language here. Also People Speaks Tamil, Urdu . Total population of Palasamudram Mandal is 20,948 living in 4,717 Houses, Spread across total 88 villages and 14 panchayats . Males are 10,574 and Females are 10,374 Weather and Climate of Palasamudram Mandal

It is Hot in summer. Palasamudram summer highest day temperature is in between 30 ° C to 39° C . Average temperatures of January is 25 ° C , February is 26 ° C , March is 28 ° C , April is 31 ° C , May is 32 ° C .

HOW TO REACH Palasamudram Mandal

By Rail

There is no railway station near to Palasamudram Mandal in less than 10 km. Siddampalli RailWay Station (near to Chittoor) , Chittoor RailWay Station (near to Chittoor) are the Railway stations reachable from near by towns. How ever Katpadi Jn Rail Way Station is major railway station 46 KM near to Palasamudram

By Road

Chittoor are the nearby by towns to Palasamudram having road connectivity to Palasamudram.

By Bus

Tiruttani APSRTC Bus Station , Puttur APSRTC Bus Station , Chittoor APSRTC Bus Station are the nearby by Bus Stations to Palasamudram .APSRTC runs Number of buses from major cities to here.