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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Overpowering \O`ver*pow"er*ing\, a. Excelling in power; too powerful; irresistible. -- O`ver*pow"er*ing*ly, adv.


adv. In an overpowering manner.


adv. incapable of being resisted; "the candy looked overwhelmingly desirable to the dieting man" [syn: overwhelmingly, irresistibly]

Usage examples of "overpoweringly".

The cactus was in bloom and its vast white trumpetlike flowers emitted a sickly sweet perfume, overpoweringly intense.

Ringed and ringleted, perfumed and pomaded, fringed and furbelowed, beaded and brocaded, he combined nature and nurture so overpoweringly, in fact in such an absolute assonance of synesthetic alliteration, that it became a positive pleasure to remind one's self that the underlying essence of his official cachet, like the musk of sex and the ambergris of the most ancient perfumes, was—Alex bit silently but savagely down on the word—garbage.