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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Overfly \O`ver*fly"\, v. t. [imp. Overflew; p. p. Overflown; p. pr. & vb. n. Overflying.] To cross or pass over by flight.


vb. (present participle of overfly English)

Usage examples of "overflying".

And, one more thing, I don't even want spaceships overflying the Hrrunatan.

They had to pause now because the noise of the overflying craft drowned out any conversation.

After overflying the snowy waste of the northern continent and the devastation of the southern lands, Benden could only be surprised that anyone had survived.

Right now the dragonriders are carefully overflying this vast Southern Continent, making as detailed a map as possible.

I suppose I could ask but the land I've been overflying is magnificent.

He had managed to swallow that mortification, since he really did prefer not to have the constant traffic of dragons overflying the harbor, but perhaps he should not have taken issue with K'van over the matter of Weyr support to subdue the rebels and that sharding Denol on Terne Island.

The recon drone passed near here and lately was overflying around noon.

He put so many ZSU-23s and dual 57-millimeter radar-guided guns near the target that even a B-l going supersonic couldn't survive overflying the target.

We need to do this precisely so the security forces on the ground don't encounter any surprises, because they have only one response to surprise aircraft overflying their location-they'll destroy it.

I suppose I could ask but the land I’ve been overflying is magnificent.