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  1. extended or expanded beyond a safe limit v

  2. (en-past of: overextend)

Usage examples of "overextended".

He is overextended, unable to bring news of smashing victories to the High Council and the Emperor.

We are poor, overextended, and low on supplies, and few recruits are joining us from the Empire.

Chaldrin had overextended himself in his attempt to put truly great strength into his attack, an error rarely made by any other than a young, inexperienced warrior---or one who was sure she had the measure of her opponent.

Sixteen years ago Greg Manning was a bit overextended, and the Prometheus project needed an immediate infusion of cash.

Then Render overextended his high attack and Nicholas snapped a blow that caught the pirate upon the shoulder, cutting him deeply.

We were currently seriously overextended, trying to digest what we already had.

We are too overextended now to even consider further expansion at this time.

As far as what's in it for me, I'll tell you frankly that I'm spread just a bit thin at the moment, a trifle overextended.