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The research project OSAMI-F is the French subproject of the European ITEA 2 project OSAMI (Open Source AMbient Intelligence).

The aim of the international project OSAMI is the design of a basic, widely applicable SOA-oriented component platform, its development, test and its provision as open source software. The project consists of a number of national sub-projects, each focusing on a certain field of application.

OSGi and Web Services forms the technical basis of the OSAMI platform in order to implement distributed, dynamically configurable, vendor-neutral and device-independent solutions.

The French sub-project OSAMI-F, funded by the Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Employment, contributes to different transversal areas such as engineering, architecture, tools and security and with demonstrators in the fields of sensor networking and efficient energy.

Project data Supporting organisations: ITEA2,Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Employment Duration: 01.01.2009 - 30.06.2011