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n. (plural of opal English)


Optical PAyload for Lasercomm Science (OPALS) is a spacecraft communication instrument developed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory that was tested on the International Space Station (ISS) from 18 April 2014 to 17 July 2014 to demonstrate the technology for laser communications systems between spacecraft and ground stations.

The purpose of OPALS is to do research into replacing traditional radio-frequency (RF) communications which are currently used on spacecraft. This will allow spacecraft to increase the rate at which data is downlinked by 10 to 100 times. It also will have less error than RF communication.

It launched from Cape Canaveral to the ISS on 18 April 2014 on a Falcon 9 SpaceX CRS-3 Dragon Capsule resupply.

Opals (disambiguation)

Opals are gemstones.

Opals may also refer to:

  • OPALS, space experiment
  • Australia women's national basketball team
  • Opal's Steak House
  • OPALS, Ogren Plant Allergy Scale
OPALS (Ogren Plant Allergy Scale)

OPALS is an acronymn for Ogren Plant Allergy Scale. It is an allergy rating system for plants that measures the potential of a plant to cause allergic reactions in humans.

Usage examples of "opals".

I will close up my purse which contains a fortune in opals and alumes.

In the meantime, the opals began to appear on the gray market, traded for fabulous profits that were split up among the whole of the colony.

She was very daringly dressed, as usual, wearing a very low gown and a long chain and ear-rings of black opals, and as usual all the men in the room were grouped around her.