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The Collaborative International Dictionary

one-third \one-third\ n. one of three equal parts of a divisible whole.

Syn: third, tierce.


n. one of three equal parts of a divisible whole; "it contains approximately a third of the minimum daily requirement" [syn: third, tierce]

Usage examples of "one-third".

And when a proton annihilates an antiproton, it produces a pi-zero meson one-third of the time, and a charged pion, a muon, and a neutrino two-thirds of the time, after which the pions and neutrons promptly break down to electrons and positrons, photons and neutrinos.

The elementary particles of the standard model have a very limited assortment of electric charges: The quarks and antiquarks have electric charges of one-third or two-thirds, and their negatives, while the other particles have electric charges of zero, one, or negative one.

By his will as it at present stood he had left two-thirds of his property to Everett, and one-third to his daughter, with arrangements for settling her share on her children, should she be married and have children at the time of his death.

Mount Everestat one-third the height of Olympus Monsor balloonists in pressurized gondolas at fifteen or twenty miles up.

As I approached the bottom, less than one-third of a mile from where the cyclist had passed, it dawned on me that if mountain bikers were foolish enough to attack such a steep fire road, they, in turn, would certainly be foolish enough to descend it.

Its area comprises some one hundred thousand acres of the best rubber-growing land in the world, one-third of which is now grass land, the rest virgin timber.

At our revised rates of production, we will reach only one-third of that goal by the end of 2001, or about 3,333 Etexts unless we manage to get some real funding.

The agreement includes a clause that will give Noel and you jointly one-third of the estate.

At a guess, Id say perhaps one-third to one-half what Wens original jades were.

From the want of proper police and hygienic regulations alone it is not wonderful that from February 24 to September 21, 1864, nine thousand four hundred and seventy-nine deaths, nearly one-third the entire number of prisoners, should have been recorded.

How shall the Constitution be constitutionally amended while one-third of the States are in revolt?

The use of it to push a starship up to one-third light-speed would take many days of acceleration.

In one-third gee, he had plenty of time to watch the ground come up at him, but his biomonitors showed his pulse rate barely rising.

The eastern rim of the moon glowed whitely, almost one-third out of eclipse, but even that area had colored flecks on it, while the brownishly shadowed margin around it was full of purple and golden gleams.

A fish one-third its size can conquer and swallow it--the Chiasmodon niger, for instance.