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one hundred sixty-five

adj. being five more than one hundred sixty [syn: 165, clxv]

Usage examples of "one hundred sixty-five".

Village in the Province of Transvaall where a senseless slaughter of at least one hundred sixty-five black villagers was instituted by the A.

Village in the Province of Transvaall where asenseless slaughter of at least one hundred sixty-five black villagerswas instituted by the A.

Hardly one hundred sixty-five centimeters or so in height, but close to ninety kilos, he was a man the bulk of whose calories came in liquid form, who shaved poorly when he bothered at all, and whose association with soap was less intimate than it ought to have been.

The body is that of a well-developed Caucasian male measuring sixty-nine inches in length, weighing one hundred sixty-five pounds and appearing generally consistent with the stated age of forty years.

Korean, medium height, one hundred sixty-five pounds, black hair, gap in front teeth.

Blonde, green-eyed, standing one hundred sixty-five centimeters, with a definitely feminine figure, curved in the right places, even in the workman's coveralls she habitually wore.

Then he kicks her IQ up to one hundred sixty-five and makes her breasts as big as grapefruits.

The Federation is about one hundred sixty-five thousand light-years from us.

She stood barely one hundred sixty-five centimeters to Alicia's own one-eighty-three, but her home world boasted a gravity thirty percent greater than Earth's, and there were no noncombatant drop commandos.