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alt. 1 An elderly person. 2 A veteran. 3 A vintage car. n. 1 An elderly person. 2 A veteran. 3 A vintage car.

  1. n. an experienced person who has been through many battles; someone who has given long service [syn: veteran, old-timer, old hand, warhorse, old stager, stager]

  2. an elderly man [syn: old-timer, gaffer, old geezer, antique]

Usage examples of "oldtimer".

Copernicus Control remembered ruefully his laughing at oldtimers who explained what a job it had been integrating with Grand Fleet operations and clearing a few sectors of the Solar System.

Young clerks like to use a zone coverage, whereas the oldtimers prefer a loose man-to-man, so you can wander and think, pick up an armload of items, frown, turn around, put them all back and start over again.

If the Oldtimers would throw open the mating flights of their junior queens to bronzes from other Weyrs, they'd soon have clutches as large as the ones at Benden, and undoubtedly queen eggs, too.

Because you, F'lar, compiled those Records and to spite the Oldtimers they must remain infallible?

He had seen good dragonriders in plenty at Telgar Weyr over the last three Turns, counteracting his experiences with the Oldtimers, so a dragon’s death was a felt loss.

He had also told Master Robinton that the Oldtimers were exacting far more than a normal tithe, and that the deliveries did not occur at the customary times or by the usual carriers: it had been moon-dark last night.

The Oldtimers are not only incurably parochial, but worse, adamantly inflexible.

Jayge questioned the journeymen closely, for it had been his understanding that the Benden Weyrleaders had interdicted all commerce between north and south while the Oldtimer dragonriders remained in the Southern Weyr.

Just like the Oldtimers to add a sour note to what ought to be a joyous occasion!

The old oldtimers who wore store clothes but still kept their hair in braids.

So long as some of the resurgence spilled into the Oldtimer and thawed him a bit!

And those bloody Oldtimers hadn't so much as stirred from the Veyr during yesterday's Fall.