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Novators is Russian scientific-popular cartoon, telling about the invention of Russian scientists.

It all started on an ordinary day, when an alien literally fell on the head of perfectly ordinary schoolchildren. The guys quickly found a common language with a visitor from space, and soon the fun intergalactic company joined four-legged friend - dog. As spare parts for the broken flying saucers earthlings invited the alien old refrigerator that has made him a -- a time machine. And who said that a time machine must not be similar to the fridge? Then everything began to turn!

The curiosity of our heroes leads them in a totally unexpected situation. And they find that to cope with the breakdown of the time machine, cold glacial period, unfriendly Papuan tribe help knowledge, wit, friendship and the ability to do something with his hands.

Friends successfully overcome difficulties while making the most different opening. All of the invention resourceful heroes of the cartoon is based on original ideas and patented inventions by Russian scientists! This unprecedented move writers allowed not only to create exciting stories, but unobtrusive to acquaint visitors with the achievements of domestic science, weaving in General outline of interesting facts about the history and natural peculiarities of the different corners of our planet. The animated series neosnet to the end, because of the constantly repeated series.