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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Nonunion \Non*un"ion\, a.

  1. Not belonging to, or affiliated with, a trades union; as, a nonunion carpenter.

  2. Not employing trade union members; not recognizing or favoring trades unions or trades-unionists; as, a nonunion contractor; a nonunion subcontractor. -- Non*un"ion*ism, n.


a. Not part of a labor union; not unionized. n. Lack of union; failure to become united.


adj. not belonging to or not allowing affiliation with a trade union; "nonunion carpenters"; "a nonunion contractor" [ant: union]


Nonunion is permanent failure of healing following a broken bone.

Nonunion is a serious complication of a fracture and may occur when the fracture moves too much, has a poor blood supply or gets infected. Patients who smoke have a higher incidence of nonunion. The normal process of bone healing is interrupted or stalled. In some cases a pseudo-joint ( pseudarthrosis) develops between the two fragments with cartilage formation and a joint cavity. More commonly the tissue between the ununited fragments is scar tissue.

Since the process of bone healing is quite variable, a nonunion may go on to heal without intervention in a very few cases. In general, if a nonunion is still evident at 6 months post injury it will remain unhealed without specific treatment, usually orthopedic surgery. A non-union which does go on to heal is called a delayed union.

Usage examples of "nonunion".

When their time came they were grasped by the arms and hustled indecorously from their cells to an open field where a burly nonunion executioner held aloft a simple sword.

The little scamp was only thirty-one years old and the owner of the most successful nonunion summer stock theater in the East.

The long-dreaded conflict between the forces of the strikers and the nonunion men who have taken their places has come at last.

It meant work, but too much of it nonunion and bought shamefully cheap.

Gregory-until now a nonunion hotelcould be a crack in this massive dam of organized resistance.

The contractors, evidently prepared for such happening, immediately filled the places of the concrete men with nonunion Italians.

After the dispute had dragged The Disillusionment of Davie Fulton 165 on for two months, the strikers raided the camps of nonunion loggers hired by the companies.

It was a nonunion shop and I suppose the labor people would say all three of the Tarkingtons were paternalistic exploiters of the uneducated working man and woman.

His processing plant in Virginia was nonunion, and the United Food and Commercial Workers Union began an all-out boycott campaign against his chickens.

In the building trades, the key to nonunion labor was Cosa Nostra control of union shop stewards, many of whom were made members or had put sons or relatives in as stewards.

With nonunion workers, even with payoffs, the profit was 30 percent or more.

The printers Random House uses are also nonunion, as is the warehouse that distributes the books.

What finished product we had, they trucked to a warehouse and put under nonunion guard.

The wage rates are based on a complicated formula that supposedly averages previous union and nonunion wages in a given town.

Now Davis-Bacon is used to protect unions, and as a result, government buildings cost taxpayers millions more and deserving nonunion workers are denied opportunity.