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The Collaborative International Dictionary

nonsectarian \nonsectarian\ adj. not restricted to one sect or school or party; as, religious training in a nonsectarian atmosphere; public funding is restricted to nonsectarian colleges. Opposite of sectarian. [Narrower terms: ecumenic, oecumenic, ecumenical, oecumenical; interchurch, interdenominational; nondenominational; {undenominational, unsectarian ]


a. Of or pertaining to ''nonsectarianism''. n. One who is not a sectarian.


adj. not restricted to one sect or school or party; "religious training in a nonsectarian atmosphere"; "nonsectarian colleges"; "a wide and unsectarian interest in religion"- Bertrand Russell [syn: unsectarian] [ant: sectarian]


Nonsectarian institutions are secular private educational institutions or other organizations not affiliated with or restricted to a particular religious group.

Usage examples of "nonsectarian".

In their passion for exclusivism and damning others, they gave his establishment so many names that Barion simply affixed a nonsectarian title that stuck.

The rise of nonsectarian interest in the experiential dimensions of contemplative practice is a wonderful departure from the adversarial attitude that has plagued relations among religions for centuries.

The first big tubercular hospital free and nonsectarian was established here back in 1899.

White detested dogma, and Cornell had been established as a nonsectarian university, to the fury of many conservative religious leaders.

Reform rabbi to give a nonsectarian invocation at a high school graduation ceremony on the perfectly plausible grounds that Rhode Island was trying to establish Reform Judaism as the official state religion.

Rather than travel to the Gulf states in search of work, Ahamed stayed to fight for the creation of a modern, nonsectarian Lebanon.

Between the poles of idealism and pragmatism the two envisioned a nonsectarian republic that would treat all men and women equally, with dignity.

Jewish religion or its relation to Christianity, innocently thought that it was nonsectarian because it contained no explicit mention of Jesus.

For tactical reasons having to do with the nonsectarian appeal he was aiming at, Howe never said in so many words that to him the perspective demanding loyalty from the intellectuals was not internationalism in general but socialism in particular.

East Coast at a nonsectarian religious retreat to discuss the spiritual aspect of political office.