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a. Not musical; unrelated to music n. A production that is not a musical.

  1. adj. lacking interest in or talent for music; "too unmusical to care for concerts"; "it is unfortunate that her children were all nonmusical" [syn: unmusical] [ant: musical]

  2. not musical in nature; "the unmusical cry of the bluejay" [syn: unmusical, dissonant] [ant: musical]

Usage examples of "nonmusical".

The opening scene of a Round sets the mood and the flavor for the whole production, and what you're telling them is that this is a slow, nonverbal, nonmusical entertainment in which the action is both violent and, still worse, interminable.

Carson normally didn’t invite politicians on the show, but apparently he made an exception because I was too good a punching bag to pass up, and because I agreed to play the sax, which he could use as an excuse to keep his ban at least on nonmusical politicians.