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nineteen to the dozen

adv. very quickly; rapidly

Usage examples of "nineteen to the dozen".

At any rate, there was an early breakfast, luncheon was put up, and by half-past seven we were riding up the Caney,--a half-cloudy day,--Big Tom swinging along on foot ahead, talking nineteen to the dozen.

She was one who was very devoted to your Aunt - not that Miss Fanshawe always had time for her - always talking nineteen to the dozen, as she did -' 'Mrs Lancaster has left, I hear.

So strong was it, that she half expected the sitting room door to be flung open and Sophie to emerge, laughing and talking nineteen to the dozen, and throwing her arms around the young man's neck, and kissing him on both cheeks.

He was a trifle plumper in the cheek, a shade greyer in the whisker, but still the same joyful little bonhomme, rolling forward waving his cane with glad cries, fairly leaping up to embrace me and dam' near butting me under the chin, chattering nineteen to the dozen as he led me out to a fiacre, and not letting me get a word in until we were seated at the self-same table in Voisin's, when he had to leave off to attend to the ma'itre.

That was partly because most of them spoke Spanish, more or less, but also because it's damned complicated, with five times as many vowel sounds as we have, and the 'Pash, unlike most Indians, are the worst mutterers you ever heard, and nineteen to the dozen at that.

The pain caused Whiskers to loosen his grip momentarily, and Trinket dropped to the ground and bolted for it, still cursing nineteen to the dozen.

He glanced at Gros, who came in nineteen to the dozen to say that milor' was bowling a perfect length, it leaped to the eye, the offenders must be made to account for their conduct unpardonable, and no nonsense.

The girls got breakfast for everyone, and talked nineteen to the dozen, happy at having the boys and Bill.

Toni and Bingo went off to their van, talking nineteen to the dozen.

I'd arrive home in high spirits, chatting nineteen to the dozen, until the events of the morning would repeat themselves and I'd leave the room with my schoolbag in my hand and a pensive look on my face.

Or the fact that our nosy little Georgi's sculling around the place night and day, and nattering Greek to me nineteen to the dozen.

When I came a little more to myself, I found that there had sat down beside me a very cheerful, rosy little German gentleman, somewhat gone in drink, who was talking away to me, nineteen to the dozen, as they say.

Yolland talking nineteen to the dozen, and placing the most entire confidence in him.

In ran the dog, his tail wagging nineteen to the dozen, and went straight to Kathleen.

Everyone was in a great state of excitement at once, and began to talk nineteen to the dozen, the words almost falling over themselves.