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n. (plural of network English)

Usage examples of "networks".

In those days, when networks consumed money as if there were no tomorrow, correspondents found their own accommodation and were reimbursed More recently, with leaner budgets and accountants in catbird seats, The Evening News 319 the network supplied living quarters--of lesser quality and cheaper.

But by tomorrow the story would be dead because they knew that other networks had it and would go with it tonight.

Some of the people who left networks with high hopes to work in local news have gone back to the networks in disgust.

That was the description given to the takeover of the networks by industrial conglomerates whose insistence on constantly enlarging profits outweighed their sense of privilege and public duty.

I sentforyou because I want nothing about Theo and taxes to appear on our news, and Id like you to ask the other networks not to report it either.

I were to call the other networks with that request, not only would they turn it down, but they would report on the air that CBA News 116 ARTHUR HAILEY had attempted to arrange a cover-up.

Margot, when I tell you as a certainty that tonight the other networks will use that piece of news about Mr.

It was an area where all networks were vulnerable to their conquerors and everyone knew it, including Leslie Chippingham.

Among all television networks, an assignment to a Rome bureau was considered a plum.

Although TV networks claimed not to pay for news interviews-a statement not always true-a consultant fee was different and acceptable.

The Evening News 307 The other, younger networks will create their saints in timeABC inevitably will have Saint Arledge.

VCR and mute problems are like permanent storm clouds over us, which is why networks have dragged their feet in researching their effects.

The networks have the capital and one day soon cable TV may wake up to find itself almost entirely owned by broadcast networks.

Meanwhile CBA, more than other networks, kept the kidnap story aggressively alive, using a technique borrowed from rival CBS.

The fact was, and everyone knew it, broadcast networks were in many ways a law unto themselves.