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muscle system

n. the muscular system of an organism [syn: muscular structure, musculature]

Usage examples of "muscle system".

As with some insects, attack could be initiated by the required muscle system.

The answer is that the eye muscle system is a very different sort of motor system from the skeletal muscle system.

Most of the skeletal muscle system is engaged in maintaining posture against gravity, and that system is obliged to use a lot of tonic inhibition.

Your muscle system fought against the takeoff acceleration, and you pulled some ligaments.

The psychological and emotional pressure, not to mention the input from its mind-partner's involuntary muscle system, must be considerable.

It had gone on to describe the disadvantages of possessing two hearts, especially when the possessor was a gravid female-mode Hudlar nearing parturition, and the nerve network which controlled the involuntary muscle system was maintaining a delicate balance between the impulses to four hearts, two parental and two embryonic.

It's like a, I don't know, a very strong electromagnetic muscle system over a mosaic skeleton.

Once a, say, muscle system has been brought to perfect health, stimulated with maximum hormones, exercised to a certain limit, that's all you can do.

The military had enhanced his skeleton and muscle system, and he had personally arranged yet more augmentation.

The cunning jointing of the limbs, the marvelously practical detail of the eye, the economy of the external muscle system, were admirable.