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muscle relaxant

n. Any drug which affects skeletal muscle function and decreases the muscle tone.

muscle relaxant

n. a drug that reduces muscle contractility by blocking the transmission of nerve impulses or by decreasing the excitability of the motor end plate or by other actions

Muscle relaxant

A muscle relaxant is a drug that affects skeletal muscle function and decreases the muscle tone. It may be used to alleviate symptoms such as muscle spasms, pain, and hyperreflexia. The term "muscle relaxant" is used to refer to two major therapeutic groups: neuromuscular blockers and spasmolytics. Neuromuscular blockers act by interfering with transmission at the neuromuscular end plate and have no central nervous system (CNS) activity. They are often used during surgical procedures and in intensive care and emergency medicine to cause temporary paralysis. Spasmolytics, also known as "centrally acting" muscle relaxants, are used to alleviate musculoskeletal pain and spasms and to reduce spasticity in a variety of neurological conditions. While both neuromuscular blockers and spasmolytics are often grouped together as muscle relaxants, the term is commonly used to refer to spasmolytics only.

Usage examples of "muscle relaxant".

Aside from addictive morphine, cannabis, whether smoked or applied as an herbal pack or poultice, is also the best muscle relaxant, back spasm medicine and general antispasmodic medication on our planet.

Like the muscle relaxant in the BetalXP (Mark II), it was to prevent self-inflicted injury and possible death.

Old Kleenex, a piece of ancient hard candy, an empty can of Dr Pepper, the bottle of muscle relaxant she'd had prescribed when her shoulder was wrenched while moving boxes, a melted lipstick she'd tried once before giving up all notions of using makeup.

After all, I still have the vial of muscle relaxant, enough to quiet a Clydesdale, the vet had said.

The patient could not breathe for herself because she was paralyzed by a curarederived muscle relaxant.