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a. 1 Having multiple prongs 2 Having multiple elements or aspects alt. 1 Having multiple prongs 2 Having multiple elements or aspects

Usage examples of "multipronged".

The current ex-mayor has vowed to regain the post with a multipronged legal assault.

The new campus radical has a cause, a multipronged attack on as many fronts as necessary: if not civil rights, then foreign policy or structural deprivation in domestic poverty pockets.

Evelyn Mangold was accomplished rather more quickly than had been anticipated, after only a few days of a multipronged attack.

The matriarchs would not send enough enforcers after him to allow them the luxury of a multipronged attack.

Kafari flew rear guard, letting Red Wolf do the actual piloting so she could concentrate on coordinating the multipronged attack.

Baldwin who convinced the Gala CEO that my spectacular disgrace would better serve the cause by doing a mindfuck on my father and softening him up for the multipronged takeover assault.

She knew their objective was to reach the depot without being intercepted, yet the way they did it was up to them, and Gonzalez had opted for a multipronged advance.

Not being a sailor, he made only a cursory inspection of the bow, where he found the anchor-a large, multipronged iron hook lying atop a heap of straw cable-near the sail.

Was a multipronged assault on Saddam Hussein really a priority in early 2001?

There were to be no feints, no multipronged storming of the several entrances, that much was self-evident.

They had alerted Bush that day to the global threat and the multipronged capacities of their opponent.

The fourteen Plumas tankers, even the small cargo and passenger cruisers, were filled to bursting with wentals, enough to engulf the drogues in a massive, multipronged assault.

The remaining captains she brought close around her maps on the table, to plan a multipronged attack up each street leading to the Great Refuge.