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more than
  1. adj. (comparative of `much' used with mass nouns) a quantifier meaning greater in size or amount or extent or degree; "more land"; "more support"; "more rain fell"; "more than a gallon" [syn: more(a)] [ant: less(a)]

  2. greater in number relative to something else; "more than one person stood up"

  3. adv. comparing quantity or quality; "by the time she was 4 she was more than half her father's height" [syn: to a higher degree] [ant: less than]

More Than (company)

More Than (styled as MORE TH>N) is a UK insurance company that offers motor, home, pet and travel insurance. Its business arm More Than BUSINESS offers business insurance. The company is a subsidiary of the RSA Insurance Group.

The brand launched in 2001, under the slogan of ‘Don't Accept Less Than More Than’. More Than is known in the UK for its TV advertising, including features such as More Than Freeman, Lucky The Dog and the Personal Project Manager ad.

Usage examples of "more than".

Hustler and Screw get around customs laws by having their own publishing plants in Canada, so the Cdn version, which is hiding somewhere in my closet, may differ more than the American version.

If they go with those they link with to live among the two-legs, they will see far more than we can ever see spying upon them from the shadows.

One could almost always tell whether one of the People was male or female from no more than that, after all.

The sky was almost black and it was impossible to see more than twenty yards in any direction.

We've got more than enough work piled up ahead of us without this nonsense.

Still, Ben wanted it more than he'd wanted anything for a long time.

Let me assure you that the force-beam which connects us can carry more than sight and sound into your world!

No other name has appeared more than twice on the great role of Leaders, but we have had five Corys—.