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n. (alternative spelling of monologist English)

Usage examples of "monologuist".

The Pleiades were all abuzz over the advent of their visiting star, Miss Frances Homer, the celebrated monologuist, who, at Eaton Auditorium, again presented her Women of Destiny series, in which she portrays women of history and the influence they brought to bear upon the lives of such momentous world figures as Napoleon, Ferdinand of Spain, Horatio Nelson and Shakespeare.

The cadaver is shown from the waist up, so I cannot say whether Barbet dressed him Jesus-style in swaddling undergarments, but I can say that he bears an uncanny resemblance to the monologuist Spalding Gray.

By comparison it was quiet, not silent, constant interruptions, shouting and cussing, meaningless interjectionsand off to one side, in the shadows, standing alone, an upright, crazed monologuist conversing with person or persons invisible.

Fish Wally looked off into the cryptstared a moment at the ranting monologuist, then fixed his gaze on Stilton and sighed.

Then the mayor introduced the toast of vaudeville, that famous monologuist and comedian, the darling of the Irish, Billy Brady.

The monologuist Ruth Draper, 18841956, became quite famous in London for stage presentations in which she portrayed a great variety of personalities, ranging from a nagging wife to a peasant girl kneeling in a cathedral.

Norberg was a confirmed monologuist, and so Boadicea was not called upon every day to speak up for reason and sanity.

Often the passers-by mistake these eccentric monologuists for lunatics.

Often the passers-by mistake these eccentric monologuists for lunatics.