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n. (plural of mizzy English)

Usage examples of "mizzies".

I'd much rather fight it out with the Mizzies inside there than be caught sitting here when an Exchange fleet shows up.

Or the fact that the Mycohl commander, whoever it is, put his, her, or its whole team's neck in a noose even tighter than the Mizzies did by following it up?

The thoughts when the Holy Ones come up are bitter enough that I suspect that, right now, they hate the Mizzies more than we do.

The Exchange and the Mizzies takin' on their old mutual ugliness the Mycohl while they eat at the center of the Mycohl Empire and ensure that they can't mount a credible defense.

I bet that somewhere, right now, in some lab, probably in the Exchange but maybe also over with the Mizzies, some scientists have suddenly been struck with brilliance and have developed absolute tests for detecting a Mycohl-inhabited body.