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Miltiades (disambiguation)

Miltiades the Younger (c. 550 – 489 BC) was tyrant of the Thracian Chersonese and the Athenian commanding general in the Battle of Marathon.

Miltiades may also refer to:


Miltiades (; ; c. 550 – 489 BC), also known as Miltiades the Younger, was the son of Cimon Coalemos, a renowned Olympic chariot-racer. He was an Athenian citizen and considered himself a member of the Aeacidae, as well as a member of the prominent Philaid clan. He is known mostly for his role in the Battle of Marathon, as well as for his downfall afterwards. His son Cimon was a major Athenian figure of the 470s and 460s BCE. His daughter Elpinice is remembered for her confrontations with Pericles, as recorded by Plutarch.

Miltiades (name)

Miltiades or Miltiadis (, short: Miltos) is a Greek masculine given name. The name is derived from the Greek word for "red earth".