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n. 1 Formal marriage interview, marriage meeting. 2 In the game of go, the situation where making a certain move will cause the opponent to respond with another certain move.


or is a Japanese traditional custom in which unattached individuals are introduced to each other to consider the possibility of marriage. "Miai" or "omiai" is sometimes translated as an " arranged marriage" in other languages. Miai has done for centuries in Japan what can be described as "a meeting opportunity with more serious considerations for the future."

Some Japanese people consider that descriptions of miai in non-Japanese languages do not match reality in Japan. , a Western ideal introduced after World War II, is sometimes seen in contrast with "miai marriages" when translated. Therefore, they feel that foreigners have misconceptions that the two are incompatible and that "miai marriage have less love" or that "there is strong interference by parents." The same people believe that marriages that result from an introduction through a miai meeting can lead to a "love marriage," as the process of courtship can lead to a couple deciding not to get married.

Usage examples of "miai".

Sano hoped the miai, that first, most important formal meeting between their families, would go well.

The Ueda have set a time and location for the miai between you and Miss Reiko.

The charade would have allowed both parties to pretend that a miai had never taken place, thus saving face, should the marriage negotiations fail.

For that reason, I consented to the miai and gave you a chance to speak for yourself.