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Merchant service

Merchant service may refer to:

  • An alternative term for merchant navy
  • Merchant services, a category of financial services relating to business

Usage examples of "merchant service".

The Jewel of Jad was a long ship, a ramship, though she was now in merchant service.

His merchant service uniform looked totally out of place amid the black and gold of the RMN, and yet for all that, she felt a curious sense of completion at seeing him there.

Certainly it had nothing to do with the ship's name: one could not spend twenty years at sea, first in the Royal Navy and then in the Merchant Service, without corning across some of the most singular names in the world.

She was virtually certain Johan Coglin was no merchant service officer.

Lieutenant who had Merchant Service Second Mate's and Mate's tickets and had actually been a midshipman, R.