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Melniboné , also known as the Dragon Isle, is an imaginary country, an island featured in the writings of Michael Moorcock. It is the homeland of Elric, one of the incarnations of the Eternal Champion.

Centuries before Elric's birth, Melniboné ruled its world through sorcerous might and sheer power. However, by the time of Elric's birth, it has slipped from its preeminent place, being one of many nations. Its people, the Melnibonéans, are not wholly human, and although popular culture describes them as being almost elvish they are not. Elric and the Melnibonean people are decendent from dragons. Melnibonean dragon ancestry is discussed at length in the novel, Heart of the Dragon, an untold tale of Elric. — skilled with magic and beautiful, though psychologically similar to cats, with a callous nature. They are bound by many ancient customs.

Melniboné's capital and only surviving city is Imrryr, known as The Dreaming City. Most of the rest of the island has been allowed to revert to wilderness in Elric's time. Caverns exist below the island, in which dragons sleep, awaiting the Melnibonéans' summons to war.