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a. Of or pertaining to a medium (person claiming to contact the dead)

Usage examples of "mediumistic".

It does not mean to say that a person is good because one is clairvoyant, or telepathic, or mediumistic in some other way.

RISHI : This is a Saint, or a good-living person, or one who has mediumistic abilities.

At times a person of mediumistic capabilities will be willing to have his or her body used by some disincarnate entity who wants to give a message.

Bill thought that the best description of Wise Owl was given by a lady who sat with him in a circle as a guest of Miss Helen Parry, a lady with wonderful mediumistic gifts.

The genius of Piranesi, almost mediumistic, has truly caught the element of hallucination here: he has sensed the long-continued rituals of mourning, the tragic architecture of an inner world.

A hysteric, Carr, hi fact the most classic example I have ever encountered, with unequaled mediumistic capacities and also with a hyper-trophied and utterly ruthless ambition.

Deep mediumistic trance can occasionally produce convulsions as violent as those of electroshock, especially when a ghost is cut.

Through becoming familiar with such things at seances arranged by his mediumistic acquaintance, he began to hope that he had found the way by which scientific research could overstep the limits of the physical world.

Technical Transmissions Via Mental Telepathy or the Combination of Mediumistic Telepathy Under the Direction of the Confederation of Cosmic Space Beings.

Somehow Alinor had gotten himself mixed up with a desperate mother, her kidnapped and mediumistic child, and a looney-tune preacher.

But he believes they are true, just as he believes spirits visit him, and Houdini possesses mediumistic powers, and I.

Myers spent a good part of his life investigating mediumistic evidence for survival of human personality after death of the body.

Renowned in occult circles throughout Europe, he had achieved successes in every type of mediumistic endeavor, from levitation to clairvoyance, from telepathy and telekinesis to the various forms of spirit evocation and ectoplasmic materialization.