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MEDICA is a French private health group specialized in the exploitation of global care facilities for dependent persons.

Usage examples of "medica".

Materia Medica, is inconsumable, and ever in readiness to be employed in successive diseases?

Materia Medica, repose the foundations of Homoeopathy as a practical system.

Their results were made known in his Materia Medica, a work in three large volumes in the French translation, published about eight years ago.

The following list was taken literally from the Materia Medica of Hahnemann, by my friend M.

The effects of sixty-four medicinal substances, ascertained by one or both of these methods, are enumerated in the Materia Medica of Hahnemann, which may be considered as the basis of practical Homoeopathy.

Materia Medica, who at one time omits to designate the proper doses of his remedies, and at another to let us have any means of knowing whether a remedy has ever been tried or not, while he is recommending its employment in the most critical and threatening diseases?

Who are they that practice Homoeopathy, and say this of a man with the Materia Medica of Hahnemann lying before him?

I firmly believe that if the whole materia medica, as now used, could be sunk to the bottom of the sea, it would be all the better for mankind,--and all the worse for the fishes.

When Cullen wrote his Materia Medica, he had seriously to assail the practice of giving burnt toad, which was still countenanced by at least one Medical authority of note.

In this way those articles of the Materia Medica which had nothing but loathsomeness to recommend them have been gradually dropped, and are not like to obtain any general favor again with civilized communities.

But I am very willing to confess a great jealousy of many agents, and I could almost wish to see the Materia Medica so classed as to call suspicion upon certain ones among them.

You can pass an examination in anatomy, physiology, chemistry, materia medica, which the men in large practice all around you would find a more potent sudorific than any in the Pharmacopceia.

Iron and various salts which enter into the normal composition of the human body do not belong to the materia medica by our definition, but to the materia alimentaria.

The statement in the text concerning a portion of the materia medica stands exactly as delivered, and is meant exactly as it stands.

In an exquisite blend of physical and mental management, Thealia and Partis rearranged the circle until only they, the Medica and Dema supported the fallen rider.