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n. (plural of meddling English)

Usage examples of "meddlings".

After that, he said, he would introduce her to some of the associations of Jevlenese and Terran historians engaged in organizing the information coming to light on past Jevlenese meddlings with Earth.

After that, he said, he would introduce her to some of the associations of Jevlenese and Terran historians engaged in organizing the information coming to light on past Jevienese meddlings with Earth.

Even if the Old Mage caught up to him, the old goat could be warned away from mind-thrusts and meddlings by claiming Mystra's protection.

Your meddlings have not entitled you to usurp the fatal dignity of Atropos.

There was no evidence of supernatural meddlings here, despite the incredible impossibility of four worlds so closely matched to permit life.