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MEDA, or 3- methoxy-4,5- ethylenedi oxy amphetamine, is a lesser-known psychedelic drug. MEDA was first synthesized by Alexander Shulgin. In his book PiHKAL (Phenethylamines i Have Known And Loved), the minimum dosage is listed as 200 mg, and the duration unknown. MEDA produces few to no effects. Very little data exists about the pharmacological properties, metabolism, and toxicity of MEDA.

Meda (mythology)

In Greek mythology, the name Meda may refer to:

  • Wife of Idomeneus. While her husband fought at Troy, she had a love affair with Leucus (like Clytaemnestra and Aegiale, she became unfaithful to her husband at the instigation of Nauplius). However, Leucus eventually killed Meda and her daughter Cleisithyra, and seized the power over the kingdom of Idomeneus.
  • Daughter of Phylas and mother of Antiochus by Heracles.
  • Another name for Iphthime.