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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ In fact the limitations which Baldwin accepted on this occasion were almost meaningless.
▪ Each side generates a discourse that is powerless and almost meaningless in the linguistic world of the other.
▪ But many more I found so general in their sentiments as to be, for me, almost meaningless.
▪ Treating to as meaningless in some or all of its uses with the infinitive raises several serious problems however.
▪ Such claims might be contentious, but it would be odd to see them as meaningless.
▪ Mysticism, in particular, is as meaningless to me as music must be to the tone deaf.
▪ Until the Revolution the politics of the capital had been fairly meaningless for Sabtenga.
▪ All this technology is fairly meaningless unless we can express its capabilities in comparison with the traditional methods.
▪ It was also handed a symbolic but fairly meaningless victory in having two orders varied.
▪ We were divided into watches but this was largely meaningless.
▪ The practical consequences of time limits which are not of the essence of the contract are such that they are virtually meaningless.
▪ Indeed such a question is virtually meaningless.
▪ To say that they are right or wrong is virtually meaningless.
▪ a meaningless campaign pledge
▪ a meaningless ritual
▪ I wish politicians would tell us the truth, instead of repeating their meaningless prepared answers.
▪ If he can't read it, then it will be meaningless to him.
▪ It is meaningless to ask what is "real" or "imaginary" in a story.
▪ So many of us spend our lives doing meaningless work in huge faceless companies.
▪ The statement issued by the authorities was meaningless.
▪ They had a brief, meaningless relationship a few years ago.
▪ But then, so do the 49ers as they slog their way through three more utterly meaningless games.
▪ In fact the limitations which Baldwin accepted on this occasion were almost meaningless.
▪ In the great outdoors, the merit of any feats become meaningless.
▪ Such a move could render the elections meaningless.
▪ Such claims might be contentious, but it would be odd to see them as meaningless.
▪ The practical consequences of time limits which are not of the essence of the contract are such that they are virtually meaningless.
▪ The words I had written - and had almost, in the interval, forgotten - mocked me and were meaningless.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

meaningless \meaningless\ adj. having no meaning; of no value; as, a meaningless endeavor; a meaningless life; a meaningless explanation. Opposite of meaningful. [Narrower terms: insignificant ; {mindless, unmeaning ; {nonsense(prenominal), nonsensical ; {pointless, purposeless ] Also See: {insignificant, unimportant, purposeless, unimportant.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1730, from meaning + -less. Related: Meaninglessly; meaninglessness.


a. 1 lacking meaning. 2 insignificant; not worthy of importance.


adj. having no meaning or direction or purpose; "a meaningless endeavor"; "a meaningless life"; "a verbose but meaningless explanation" [syn: nonmeaningful] [ant: meaningful]

Meaningless (album)

Meaningless is singer-songwriter Jon Brion's 2001 debut solo album. Initially slated for release on Lava Records, the album was ultimately released independently by Brion on his own "Straight to Cut-Out" label, sold through his website and CD Baby.


Meaningless may refer to:

  • Meaningless (album), the debut solo album of singer and songwriter Jon Brion
  • "Meaningless," a song by The Magnetic Fields from their 1999 album 69 Love Songs

Usage examples of "meaningless".

If the anointing of Jesus had been a frivolous or meaningless gesture it would never have been recorded at all.

The once favorite monologues, pure, meaningless exercises of articulation, of voice and of hearing, are, on the contrary, falling off.

Back River, Bush River, Gunpowder Creek,--lives there the man with soul so dead that his memory has cerements to wrap up these senseless names in the same envelopes with their meaningless localities?

I saw on two of the gateways inscriptions which to me were meaningless, but which Seguier, the old friend of the Marquis Maffei, could no doubt have deciphered.

Something about celebrating the dribblers, no matter how meaningless they may seem.

The movement of Dulness is necessarily meaningless, and hence her hero is necessarily inactive.

Negro teacher and educator might as well admit the fact of their incompetency and with the admission bend themselves with renewed energy to hard study, laying aside all bogus degrees and meaningless titles, and acknowledge the fact that they are yet intellectual pigmies.

I was a long time in discovering that this meaningless euphonic name was but the memory of the Isle aux Galets--the island of the pebbles.

I liked, way out on the Strip, an utterly gameless and consequently expensive motor house called the Apache, and I knew it would be meaningless and would astonish her should I consult her.

There had been a place I liked, way out on the Strip, an utterly gameless and consequently expensive motor house called the Apache, and I knew it would be meaningless and would astonish her should I consult her.

They became tired of listening to meaningless curses directed at Gundy, and Long Tom shook Shakespeare.

A very slight variation in haplotype number, the kind of subtle, meaningless mutation that happened in the DNA of a germ cell.

He saw his friends and colleagues as a lot of cruelly driven ghosts, posturing out the meaningless ritual of their indefeasible damnation.

We always love to touch a cat, but only the insensitive can uniformly welcome the frantic and humid nuzzlings and pawings of a dusty and perhaps not inodorous canine which leaps and fusses and writhes about in awkward feverishness for no particular reason save that blind nerve-centres have been spurred by certain meaningless stimuli.

What Lennet said was probably true enough, but it was also generally meaningless.