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Matola is the largest suburb of the Mozambique capital, Maputo, and adjacent to it to the west. It is the nation's second most populated place. Matola is the capital of Maputo Province and has had its own elected municipal government since 1998. It has a port and also the biggest industrial area in Mozambique. The population of Matola is, according to the 2007 census, 675,422 inhabitants, having increased to a 2014 projected population ( Instituto Nacional de Estatistica Moçambique) of 893,000.

Matola (disambiguation)

Matola may refer to

  • a city in southern Mozambique, s. Matola
  • Matola, Elche
  • Matola, Tanzania
  • James Matola (born 31 May 1977 ), Zimbabwean football defender
  • Sharon Matola, founder of the Belize Zoo and Tropical Education Center
  • Estádio da Matola, multi-purpose stadium in Maputo, Mozambique.
  • Atlético Muçulmano da Matola, a traditional football (soccer) club
  • Fernando Paulo "Nando" Matola (9 August 1982 - 2 September 2007), Mozambican football (soccer) player