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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Manlike \Man"like`\, a. [Man + like. Cf. Manly.] Like man, or like a man, in form or nature; having the qualities of a man, esp. the nobler qualities; manly. `` Gentle, manlike speech.''
--Testament of Love. `` A right manlike man.''
--Sir P. Sidney.

In glaring Chloe's manlike taste and mien.


a. 1 Of or characteristic of grown men, as opposed to women or children; macho, mannish, virile. 2 Of or relating to a human being; anthropoid, anthropomorphous.

  1. adj. possessing qualities befitting a man [syn: manly, manful] [ant: unmanly]

  2. characteristic of a man; "a deep male voice"; "manly sports" [syn: male, manful, manly, virile]

  3. resembling human beings [syn: anthropoid]

Usage examples of "manlike".

Sometime during this last pluvial there disappeared from Africa the last manlike rivals of man as we know him -- Neanderthal Man, Rhodesian Man, and others caught in evolutionary stagnation.

It was erect and vaguely manlike, but covered with a pelt of long grayish fur, and it had long prehensile fingers and a face like a masked monkey.

I guess that the commonest would be that there is indeed sufficient evidence to suggest at least the possibility of the existence of various unclassified manlike creatures, but that in the present state of our knowledge it is impossible to comment on their significance in any more detail.

They were not birds, that was plain to see by their shapesome looked like pointy triangles underwired by struts in which manlike shapes were cradled, others appeared to be large bats.

Each was made of black earth and gray rock, molded into a vaguely manlike shape.

Drawn in chalk on the barnboards was the outline of a manor a manlike beingwith a frozen grin on his face and the suggestion of a cloak fluttering out behind him.

The two vahines, according to the way of vahines, got together in a discussion and examination of feminine fripperies, while Tehei and I, manlike, went over fishing-tackle and wild-pig-hunting, to say nothing of the device whereby bonitas are caught on forty-foot poles from double canoes.

Even when the monsters resembled porcupines, so filled were they with arrows and darts and lances, still could they easily kill and kill and escape back over the palisades with a poor unfortunate clamped between their fearsome jaws or grasped in a huge, manlike paw.

Fangs appeared, shrank to blunt, manlike teeth in a purely human smile.

She thought, a mite hysterically, of the reported sightings of such legends as the yeti and bigfoot, describing a hairy man or manlike ape eight or nine feet tall.

It was only remotely manlike, a grotesque hybrid of simian and gargoyle.

The woman who fears she cannot please men then sometimes tends to feel hostility toward them, perhaps turning her own rage and inward disappointment outward, laying the blame upon them, and developing the obvious defensive reactions of belittling sexuality and its significance, and attempting, interestingly, to become manlike herself, to be one with them, though in an aggressive, competitive manner, often attempting to best them, as though one of themselves.

Now Cal could see manlike hunching and bulgings of the shoulder muscles under the warmsuit's shapelessness, as the alien climbed and a certain trick of throwing the head from right to left to keep a constant watch for a better route up the face of the rock wall.

Why should beings with manlike biological requirements go from a dim red dwarf star to a planetless blue giant to a dying Cepheid variable?

Like Maglore's guardian creature in its curtained niche under the central staircase in Runemanse's great hall, this thing's general outline was manlike.