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vb. (en-past of: manhandle)


Manhandled is a 1949 film noir directed by Lewis R. Foster, and starring Dorothy Lamour, Dan Duryea, and Sterling Hayden, and based on the 1945 novel The Man Who Stole a Dream by L. S. Goldsmith.

Manhandled (1924 film)

Manhandled ( 1924) is a silent drama film directed by Allan Dwan and starring Gloria Swanson. The film was produced by Famous Players-Lasky at their East Coast Astoria Studios facility and distributed by Paramount Pictures. The supporting cast includes Frank Morgan.

Prints exist to this Swanson feature.

Usage examples of "manhandled".

DeVeer demanded, for he was unused to being manhandled without explanation, and his temper, exacerbated by the hearing, was becoming shorter with every passing second.

He was scared and sullen by the time Ken manhandled him to the Common in time to see the Council arrive.

But she was being physically manhandled away from the table by the two waiters.

And she had dragged him up that slope, then literally manhandled him up the steps and onto the porch!

Mullenax asked, grunting under the weight, as they manhandled the largest piece of new equipment out of the wagon.

He and the crew and the ship performed well enough that the Chinese manhandled the new screw onto the shaft and secured it there in no more than two hours—during which they took turns at surfacing to breathe: only one at a time and taking only a gulp of air before going under again.

The two mock monarchs abused, manhandled and all but raped poor France, until she flirtatiously inflamed their jealousies and provoked them into a duel with pistols borrowed from Colonel Ramrod.

From there, the porters lent their weight and muscle to the sandbagged basket and manhandled it—the bag above bouncing and heaving—the rest of the way to the bare earthen square before the Church of St-Pierre.

He watched anxiously as his crew swore and strained while they manhandled wooden crates across a gangplank and down an open hatch on the deck.

Roughly manhandled by Massarde's crewmen, Pitt and Giordino's wrists were cuffed, and they were forced in a kneeling position by short chains that wound around a steam pipe.

The gate was manhandled against its stops, and the tactical team stepped into the cavern.

Another oil drum was manhandled into place and flung at the advancing tanks.

One by one the other wagons were manhandled to the edge of the road, dragged across the coal and down the low slope.

They began to wail, struggling as the squad clubbed them down and manhandled them off to execute sentence.

The gun squads manhandled their weapon until its muzzle poked through the thin line of 5th troopers, pointing at a mass of Colonists .