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mandarin fish

alt. 1 A carnivorous freshwater fish, (taxlink Siniperca chuatsi species noshow=1), from China. 2 A colorful saltwater fish in dragonet family, (taxlink Synchiropus splendidus species noshow=1), from the Pacific Ocean. n. 1 A carnivorous freshwater fish, (taxlink Siniperca chuatsi species noshow=1), from China. 2 A colorful saltwater fish in dragonet family, (taxlink Synchiropus splendidus species noshow=1), from the Pacific Ocean.

Mandarin fish

Siniperca chuatsi, the mandarin fish or Chinese perch (not to be confused with the mandarinfish), is species of temperate perch native to the Amur River basin and other rivers in China. Its back is yellow, green, or brown, with many irregular black spots and patches. It has a big mouth and small round scales. This species can reach TL, and the greatest recorded weight for this species is . It is an inhabitant of rivers, some of which can become quite turbid in the rainy season. It is a specialized feeder on other fishes, particularly those which see poorly in low light. This species is a commercially important species and is also farmed.

The mandarin fish is very popular as food in China. Its name (鳜鱼) appears in many Chinese poems and books. The Koreans organize fishing festivals in the end of April in Danyang City with the aim of catching large specimens of S. scherzeri, which is a close relative of S. chuatsi.

Usage examples of "mandarin fish".

Then he bought pork and beef and mandarin fish and bamboo sprouts and chestnuts, and he bought a snarl of dried birds' nests from the south to brew for soup, and he bought dried shark's fins and every delicacy he knew he bought and then he waited, if that burning, restless impatience within him could be called a waiting.