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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ She came at me like a madwoman.
▪ The madwoman in the tree was the only creature of winter and she was bright-eyed as the ladybird.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

madwoman \madwoman\ n. a woman lunatic.


n. A woman who is insane.


n. a woman lunatic

Usage examples of "madwoman".

For that reason, Septimus never found out that Miss Gumm was one of those madwomen who enjoyed donning a bathing suit in the depth of winter, breaking the ice in the lake and dropping into the freezing water for a healthful, invigorating swim.

This sublime madwoman had no doubts whatever as to the truth of all this, and burned with impatience to see the virgin who was destined to be the vessel of election.

I saw that my madwoman was perfectly happy with this, and I left her to visit the Corticelli, whom I found in bed with her mother beside her.

That Witchfinderhe would have blamed it all on her, said she was a madwoman .

Perhaps he was pretty, as Mistress Shoran had said, but only a madwoman would think of a Seeker for Truth in that fashion.

She stood there for a while and watched Ivonne Boucharde Delacroix pulling hunks of hair from her dark hair, pummeling her fists on the bunk and screeching like a madwoman.

I had learned from the madwomen in the nuthouse, kicking at the dripping canvas and beating at it with my fists and flashlight, flinging the tent flap aside and escaping into the downpour.

The madwoman who spun with the speed of a silverback cat to fend her off, and clawed at her as they plunged to the floor in a tangle of limbs and corrosive magic.

I stepped out of the doorway, so the light fell on Fergus, crouched on the floor, with straws sticking out of his hair like the Madwoman of Chaillot.

It was almost ten, and the chorus of madwomen was intolerable in the house redeemed by the expulsion of the slaves.

The madwomen would throw down kitchen scraps and shout tender obscenities at him, but when the government offered him the courtesy of moving the lunatic asylum, he objected out of gratitude to its inmates.

The madwomen encouraged them from the terraces with indecent songs, and celebrated their triumphs with stadium ovations.

I strode up and down the room, and felt inclined to send her away by force as a madwoman.

Kane Edmonds, a brilliant scientist respected in star systems from here to Vegas, was believed to be a madwoman by the very man she loved.

Gray-green with glacial flour, the Madwoman River poured noisily into a bay where whitecaps danced on water the hue of steel.