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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Details are hard to come by, as indeed are macadamia nuts.
▪ It was inspired by a brown butter macadamia cake slathered in topical fruit that I had at Mecca.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

macadamia \macadamia\ n.

  1. any tree of the genus Macadamia, especially Macadamia ternifolia.

    Syn: macadamia tree.

  2. A macadamia nut.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

Australian evergreen tree, 1904, from Modern Latin (1858), named for Scotland-born chemist Dr. John Macadam (1827-1865), secretary of the Victoria Philosophical Institute, Australia, + abstract noun ending -ia.


n. 1 An evergreen tree, of the genus ''Macadamia'', native to Australia and cultivated in Hawaii. 2 The fruit of this tree; the macadamia nut.


n. any tree of the genus Macadamia [syn: macadamia tree]


Macadamia is a genus of four species of trees indigenous to Australia and constituting part of the plant family Proteaceae. They are native to north eastern New South Wales and central and south eastern Queensland. The tree is commercially important for its fruit, the macadamia nut (or simply "macadamia"). Other names include Queensland nut, bush nut, maroochi nut, bauple nut, and Hawaii nut. In Australian Aboriginal languages, the fruit is known by names such as bauple, gyndl, jindilli, and boombera. Previously, more species, with disjunct distributions, were named as members of this genus Macadamia. Genetics and morphological studies more recently published in 2008 show they have separated from this genus Macadamia, correlating less closely than thought from earlier morphological studies. The species previously named in this Macadamia genus may still be referred to overall by the descriptive, non-scientific name of macadamia; their disjunct distributions and current scientific names are:

  • New Caledonia endemic genus Virotia in 1975 having only the type species, then by 2008 all six endemic species
  • North eastern Queensland, Australian endemic genus and species Catalepidia heyana in 1995
  • North eastern Queensland and Cape York Peninsula, Australia, three endemic species of Lasjia in 2008; in Australia still informally described as northern macadamias
  • Sulawesi ( Indonesia) two endemic species of Lasjia in 2008, based on the 1952 name M. hildebrandii and the 1995 name M. erecta

Macadamia species grow as small to large evergreen trees tall. The leaves are arranged in whorls of three to six, lanceolate to obovate or elliptical in shape, 6–30 cm long and 2–13 cm broad, with an entire or spiny-serrated margin. The flowers are produced in a long, slender, simple raceme 5–30 cm long, the individual flowers 10–15 mm long, white to pink or purple, with four tepals. The fruit is a very hard, woody, globose follicle with a pointed apex, containing one or two seeds.

The German–Australian botanist Ferdinand von Mueller gave the genus the name Macadamia in 1857 in honor of the Scottish-Australian chemist, medical teacher and politician John Macadam.

Usage examples of "macadamia".

Those hunter-gatherers were killed, infected, driven out, or largely replaced by arriving European farmers and herders who brought their own crops and did not domesticate any local wild species after their arrival (except for macadamia nuts in Australia).

For some mysterious reason they'd each been carrying pink plastic garden flamingos and cans of Macadamia nuts, all of which had been confiscated as being a possible bomb threat.

All it sold were lemonade and salted macadamia nuts—another local specialty.

When they started to eat their snacks, they discovered that macadamia nuts were a lot noisier to chew than popcorn.

Half a dozen soldiers with the Japanese Army’s star on their caps were buying lemonade and macadamia nuts there.

Even modern European plant geneticists have failed to develop any crop except macadamia nuts from Australia's native wild flora.

Instead, they imported all of the elements from outside Australia: the livestock, all of the crops (except macadamia nuts), the metallurgical knowledge, the steam engines, the guns, the alphabet, the political institutions, even the germs.

Even modern European plant geneticists have failed to develop any crop except macadamia nuts from Australia’s native wild flora.

He remembered that Lot especially enjoyed river bread with capers and macadamia oil.

He sliced the bread, laying each piece in a randomly assembled marinade of herbs and macadamia oil, then he wiped his hands.

Two hours later, I'm down at the local galaxy-class grocery store, in Bulk: a Manhattan of towering Lucite bins filled with steel-cut rolled oats, off-brand Froot Loops, sun-dried tomatoes, prefabricated s'mores, macadamias, French roasts and pignolias, all dispensed into your bag or bucket with a jerk at the handy Plexiglas guillotine.