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vb. (en-third-person singular of: luck)


Lucks may refer to:

  • Stefan Lucks, a researcher in the fields of communications security and cryptography
  • Heiko Lucks, Namibian politician
  • Lucks, Virginia, community in the U.S state of Virginia
  • Luck's Incorporated, a food production company based in North Carolina, now an Arizona Canning Company brand

Usage examples of "lucks".

Not like Miss JoLayne Lucks, whose astounding and undeserved windfall he now contemplated.

With a lizard flick of her tongue, JoLayne Lucks removed a crumb from one of her sparkling cobalt fingernails.

Trish pondered the possibility she'd gotten some bad information, as JoLayne Lucks didn't behave like a woman who'd won a free toaster, much less a Lotto jackpot.

Demencio, meanwhile, had concluded JoLayne Lucks was either a borderline psycho or a brilliant faker, and that further investigation was necessary.

Ordinarily he wasn't nervous around pretty women, but this afternoon JoLayne Lucks possessed an uncommonly powerful aura.

The owner of the bed-and-breakfast was pleased to give directions to the home of Miss JoLayne Lucks, at the corner of Cocoa and Hubbard across from the park.

Krome's plan was to drop in with sincere apologies, invite Miss Lucks to a proper dinner, then ease into the interview gradually.

The lady at the bed-and-breakfast had told him JoLayne Lucks worked at the veterinary clinic.

JoLayne Lucks held the added advantages of soft eyes and charm, to which Krome easily succumbed.

No matter what Krome wrote about JoLayne Lucks winning the lottery, it wouldn't be fine.

Later he watched from the window as the man put an arm around JoLayne Lucks when they walked off, down Sebring Street.

The rumor is, the Lucks girl somehow lost her Lotto ticket and then made up this bit about the robbers.

Until we get a police report or a statement from this Lucks woman, there's nothing to put in the paper but gossip.

The only reason he'd mentioned the damn turtles was to show how flaky JoLayne Lucks could be.

As painful as it was, the attachment enabled JoLayne Lucks to control the dog's head, giving Dr.