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The Collaborative International Dictionary

lower-ranking \lower-ranking\ adj. inferior in rank or status.

Syn: junior-grade, inferior, lower, lowly, petty(prenominal), secondary, subaltern, subordinate.


adj. inferior in rank or status; "the junior faculty"; "a lowly corporal"; "petty officialdom"; "a subordinate functionary" [syn: junior-grade, inferior, lower, lowly, petty(a), secondary, subaltern, subordinate]

Usage examples of "lower-ranking".

Naturally, he could not himself spend all day every day doing nothing but meeting with supplicants and the like, so he had of course surrounded himself with concentric layers of men whose task was to winnow out the never-ending streams, and see the most of them met by and handled by lower-ranking subordinates, with only the business that could be performed properly by no other man eventually appearing before the Archbishop of York himself.

The lower-ranking ghem-lords are at loose ends, and may be out in force, as the month of official mourning has reduced their usual social opportunities.

At a rough head-count, the Japs and assorted lower-ranking dinks now outnumbered the original Tracker workforce by three to one.

The Shogun might be revered as a figurehead by the mass of his lower-ranking subjects but to his fellow domain-lords he was first among equals, not an untouchable god-emperor.

Generals, and sometimes colonels, I’ve noticed, always ask enlisted personnel and lower-ranking officers about their hometowns, civilian schools, military training, and all that.

The military blockade responded with a flurry of activity, but Hawat knew that if the Supreme Bashar himself was not willing to fire upon them, none of the lower-ranking officers would take the risk.

Unbeknownst to Leon or the other lower-ranking Marines with him, a massive air support mission was planned that would clear the way for the evacuation of the remaining men by helicopter.