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low blow

n. 1 (context boxing English) An unfair or illegal blow that lands below the opponent’s waist; a groin attack. 2 (context by extension English) A rhetorical attack that is considered unfair or unscrupulous.

low blow

n. unscrupulous abuse

Low Blow (album)

Low Blow is an album by Victor Bailey released in 1999. "Graham Cracker" is a tribute to Larry Graham.

Low Blow

The term Low Blow can refer to:

  • a groin attack in hand-to-hand combat, or in professional wrestling
  • Low Blow (album) - 1999 release by jazz musician Victor Bailey
  • NATO reporting name of the SA-3 fire control radar

Usage examples of "low blow".

In the last Gorain threw a low blow after the clansman touched the boards.

It was a good thing the boy was wearing shin-guards though he couldn't have been expecting the low blow, or he'd have guarded against it.

Victimized by a grievous low blow, the white king staggers, gasps his surrender, and topples off the board,' he said, play-acting his own narration as he went.

A low blow smashes the edge of his cup, drives it sideways against his testicles, causing a pain that brings bile into his throat.