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lost weekend

n. (context slang English) A period of several days in which one indulges in activities such as binge drinking, drug-taking and sex.

Lost Weekend (EP)

Lost Weekend is an EP from The Clientele. The EP was first issued in 2002 on Acuarela Records.

Usage examples of "lost weekend".

It's marvelous unspoilt bush country, teeming with wild game, perfect place for a lost weekend, we'll fly down after breakfast tomorrow - nobody will know where we are.

Just outside the Augusta city limits was a roadhouse that went by the charming name of The Big Lost Weekend Bar and Grille (Whopper Spareribs Our Specialty, The Nashville Kitty-Cats This Fri and Sad).

Like the bugs that Ray Milland had seen crawling out of the walls in Lost Weekend.

In spite of movies like The Lost Weekend, I think what we do is pretty undramatic.