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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Lorrie \Lor"rie\, Lorry \Lor"ry\, n.; pl. Lorries. [Prob. from lurry to pull or lug.]

  1. A small cart or wagon moving on rails, as those used on the tramways in mines to carry coal or rubbish; also, a barrow or truck for shifting baggage, as at railway stations.

  2. A motorized wheeled land vehicle, esp. a large one, with a cab for the driver and a separate rear compartment for transporting freight; called truck in the U. S. [Brit.]

    Syn: camion.

  3. a large low horse-drawn wagon without sides. [WordNet sense 1]


n. 1 (plural of lorry English) 2 (plural of lorrie English)

Usage examples of "lorries".

He explained it to them millions of times, but people hadn't been pulled up on to the backs of lorries when they were children and they didn't see why they should start now.

He found himself looking into a huge lighted space, full of lorries, full of humans.

There was nothing here that he recognized, except for the smell of all, which he had come to associate with humans and especially with lorries (Torrit had told him loftily that all was a burning water that lorries drank, at which point Masklin knew the old nome had gone mad.

He's altogether too fond of going to look at lorries, and he listens to silly stories and his brain gets overheated.

Sometimes, on fine days back in the times when he didn't have to hunt every day, he'd climb further along the bank until he could look down on the place where the lorries parked.

And a long, long time ago nomes had travelled between them on things that made lorries look tiny - and had been built by nomes.

The lorries went out, the lorries came back, and it was the considered opinion of nomes like Dorcas that they were the same lorries.

He talked about the big light in the sky, and roads full of lorries, and big things sticking out of the floor which had green things all over them- 'Trees,' said Masklin.

So he'd climbed on to another one, and some time after it had driven away it stopped at a big park with other lorries in it.

A couple of lorries have already gone out and come back, so they can't be going very far.

Gurder knew even less about lorries than Masklin, but it was felt best to have him there, just in case.

There were a few other lorries parked against the opposite wall, and one or two of the small yellow loading trucks stood where the humans had left them.

Meanwhile, police are searching for one of the store's lorries, last seen leaving the building just before-' 'The lights.

Heâs altogether too fond of going to look at lorries, and he listens to silly stories and his brain gets overheated.

I suppose I thought the lorries sort of went where you wanted,’ said Masklin.