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loose off

v. fire as from a gun; "The soldiers let drive their bullets" [syn: let fly, let drive]

Usage examples of "loose off".

I figured he had got loose off one them steam yachts that been showing up on the Gulf Coast in the winter, and I hollered at him to get the hell back down the river where he come from.

She managed to loose off a couple of shots that drove their pursuer back into the hotel while smoke bellied up from her pistol and hung in the air like wet fog.

It'll be just like some bright boy to loose off a missile, just for practice.

They fitted their arrows to their bows, so that they would be ready to loose off at the very first note of Robin's horn, but no sound came.

One of the Global security men managed to loose off a wild burst from his Whooper.

Or they explode and loose off enough gas so the grave can be found by the smell.

From the tone, he figured it was a Glock, and his stalker had time only to loose off a single shot.

The Gate queen was in position before the Illuminated Ones had a chance to register her action, and she moved from cover long enough to loose off a couple of laser blasts in their direction.