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look across

v. be oriented in a certain direction; "The house looks out on a tennis court"; "The apartment overlooks the Hudson" [syn: look out on, look out over, overlook]

Usage examples of "look across".

From the top he could look across the Center to see all the shops and the brilliantly dyed fabrics that shaded the arcades.

Then your eyes ceased to pucker, but you continued to look across, and your face was thoughtful.

Tilly's men had only to look across the field to see that victory was certain.

All you have to do is look across the English Channel in these same years and examine the behavior of a king who was in many ways similar to Louis but lacked his character and good sense—.

Once he could look across flat fields and see the space-port highway.

He leaned forward to look across her and out the view port beside her, and nodded in satisfaction.

Thomas Theisman gave his people's commissioner a long, cool look across the conference table.