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liquid smoke

n. A substance produced by either passing smoke from wood-burning through water, or capturing such smoke and later mixing it with water, used for food preservation and flavoring.

Liquid smoke

Liquid smoke is a yellow to red liquid used for flavoring. A tar-like phase insoluble in alcohol and water can separate on standing.

Usage examples of "liquid smoke".

Raif had never seen the powder that came from the Bluddstone, but he thought it must look pretty much the same as that ground from the Hailstone: smooth gray powder that ran through the hand like liquid smoke.

And lying motionless, unmindful even of a throat slowly filling with phlegm from the near-liquid smoke of the durhang, for as much time as was needed, before the subtle, tasteless drops she had added to his wine took effect.

The ale was cool and frothy and rich, and tasted like liquid smoke on the tongue - reminding him of the Dark Isles, and his home at Hrafnbú.

Once he had watched a shadowcat stalk a ram, flowing down the mountainside like liquid smoke until it was ready to pounce.

But I didn't expect the silk to come spitting out like liquid smoke from so great a distance.