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adv. In a lighthearted manner, cheerfully, with joy.

Usage examples of "lightheartedly".

Here was Hideyoshi lightheartedly dictating some very frank words, almost as if he were sitting cross-legged in front of his correspondent, having a friendly chat.

Jackson had arrived at the same time, lightheartedly joshing Tom about being a hero.

For Versilov himself, ever since the 1840s when he so lightheartedly discarded the traditional values of his forefathers, has been vegetating in a moral vacuum.

But there was a bright and glittering spot in the center of my field of vision that prevented me from focusing on many things that passed right before my eyes: I lightheartedly refused to take in anything that was gloomy and threatening, being interested only in that bright spot.

And as it struck him that they daffed the world aside and lived more lightheartedly than any others that he knew, as indeed they did, he enquired of not a few folk as to their rank.

He understood that latent heat (as they say in physics) of patriotism which was present in all these men he had seen, and this explained to him why they all prepared for death calmly, and as it were lightheartedly.

She seemed to be lightheartedly free of her encumbrances as she heaved and pitched on the quartering sea.