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life and limb

n. (context idiomatic English) existence together with bodily faculty.

Usage examples of "life and limb".

The bats had been able to tell them that he was indeed dead and not worth risking life and limb for.

Risking damage to life and limb was better than listening to any more bat soul-searching.

Geoffrey Stock fought throughout the war, seeing action more than once and remaining whole in life and limb despite that.

Brak began, holding onto Ing-void for dear life and limb, scrabbling for a seat on the saddleless back of the horse.

It was Jedak's first experience with snow, and he came to his feet with pendulous lips snarled back, yellow fangs snapping at the insubstantial stuff, howling dire curses and threatening the very life and limb of the accursed Tarzan.

All was confusion and action, and every moment life and limb were in peril.

I, to watch it unveiled by this spray of electric blue eel spit, might possibly have been worth the risk to life and limb.

It was a close game, a bowl game, and to watch it on the magnificent screen at the I & I, to watch it unveiled by this spray of electric blue eel spit, might possibly have been worth the risk to life and limb.

He braced himself, finding it incongruous that he should worry about life and limb here, when he had taken countless trips at warp speed.

If a circumstance arose where someone presented an immediate threat to life and limb, there was no doubt in Kebron’.

I also know that no beauty, however thrilling, is worth risking life and limb for.

But I do think, Norby, its time for you to tell us why you brought us back to Jamya--before we go down there to risk life and limb.