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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Lickerish \Lick"er*ish\, a. [Cf. Lecherous.]

  1. Eager; craving; urged by desire; eager to taste or enjoy; greedy. ``The lickerish palate of the glutton.''
    --Bp. Hall.

  2. Tempting the appetite; dainty. ``Lickerish baits, fit to insnare a brute.''

  3. Lecherous; lustful.
    --Robert of Brunne. [1913 Webster] -- Lick"er*ish*ly, adv. -- Lick"er*ish*ness, n.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"fond of delicious fare," c.1500, from Middle English likerous "pleasing to the palate" (late 13c.), from Anglo-French *likerous, Old French licherous (see lecherous). Unlike the French word, it generally kept close to its literal sense.


a. 1 Eager; craving; urged by desire; eager to taste or enjoy; greedy. 2 Lecherous; lustful. 3 Tempting the appetite; dainty.

Usage examples of "lickerish".

Ships were burning in the harbor, and there were bordellos aflame around Lickerish Street.

It was heading towards Lickerish Street, where the crowds were still milling, oblivious to its approach.

Had Hapexamendios, in a fit of cleansing ire, delivered a judgment on Lickerish Street He could scarcely have scoured it better.

Its terrors were nothing beside the memory of Huz-zah's scrap, twitching in the muck, or the hallelujahs he could still hear behind him, raised in ignorance of the fact that he—the savior of Lickerish Street—was also its destroyer, but no less tempting for that.

We heard what happened on Lickerish Street, and we knew it had to be you.

Part of him wanted to go as a rogue, carrying the chaos he'd brought to Lickerish Street as his emblem.

He'd regretted the deaths he'd caused in Lickerish Street, but he would not regret these.

He spoke in that mixture of primly disapproving voice and lickerish overtones with which the entire Fleet regarded the habits of the migrators.

The mesmerized crowd attended in lickerish silence, Freya squatting on a root barely out of camera range, the jeweled irises of several crouched cats glittering down from the upper limbs, the incense of grilled meat wafting lazily over all.

For one thing, he had been afraid and half starved, a state anything but conducive to lickerish imaginings.

A self-possessed young person, clearly, and not impressed by Urky's noisy, lickerish gallantry.